CURRICULUM VITAE                                                                                                 Updated 19.02.2024

Vladimir A.  Gritsenko   h=36-38

Address: Institute of Semiconductor Physics, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, 630090, 13, Lavrentieva Ave., Novosibirsk,  Russia.

Tel: +7 383 330 88 91, Fax: +7 383 3332 771, E-mail:,

Personal: Citizenship: Russian, Marital status: married.

Academic Qualification:

1988- Doctor of Sciences (Dr Sci) in Physics and Mathematics,

                       Institute of Semiconductor Physics, Novosibirsk, USSR.

1976- Ph D,    Institute of Semiconductor Physics, Novosibirsk, USSR.

1970- Master of Electronic Engineering, Technical University of Novosibirsk, USSR.

Employment Record and Experience:

Present:         Principal Researcher,

                       Head of Research Group on Physics of Dielectrics and FLASH Memory  Devices 

                       Institute of Semiconductor Physics, Novosibirsk, Russia:

                       --Electronic structure and charge transport mechanism in high-k dielectrics.

                       --Electronic structure and charge transport mechanism in low-k dielectrics.

                       --Development and optimisation of SONOS/TANOS and resistive (HfOx, ZrOx, TaOx, SiNx, SiOx) and ferroelectric (Hf0.5Zr0.5O2, La:HfO2, Sc:HfO2)   

                          memory devices

                          Professor of Novosibirsk State Technical University

                          Consulting in Novosibirsk “Plant of Semiconductor Devices”

2001-2009 -- Head of contracts with SAIT and Samsung Electronics on development SONOS/TANOS flash memory.

                        As result Samsung Electronics built in China two plants which produced TANOS flash memory, capacity 8 terabite, productivity 100 000 silicon wafers with diameter 300 mm.

2000, December  15- 2001, March 16:  Visiting professor,

                        Physics Department,

                        National Tsing-Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan:

                        -- AFM oxidation of silicon nitride.

 1999, April 1-August 31: Visiting professor,

                        Electronic Engineering Department,

                        The Chinese University of   Hong Kong:

                        -- Electronic structure of thin gate oxynitride films, XPS spectroscopy.

1998 July-1999 March:  Leading Research Fellow,

                       Head of Research Group on Physics of Amorphous Dielectrics, and

                       EEPROM Devices 

                        Institute of Semiconductor Physics, Novosibirsk 630090, Russia:

                       -- Defects and Traps in SiOxNy and SiO2.

 1997, July-July 1998:  Visiting professor,

                        Electronic Engineering Department, The Chinese University of   Hong Kong:

                        --Atomic and electronic structure of SiNx, and SiOxNy

1996, Nov -1997 July:  Visiting professor,

                        Electronic Engineering Department, City University of   Hong Kong:

                     --Electronic structure of SiO2 and Si3N4.

1988-96:        Leading Research Fellow,

                       Head of Research  Group on Physics of Amorphous Dielectrics, and

                      EEPROM  Devices 

                       Institute of Semiconductor Physics, Novosibirsk, Russia:

                     -- Optimisation of memory properties of silicon nitride in radiation hard

                        SONOS EEPROM devices.

Research Grants and Contracts:

2022-2024 Russian Scientific Foundation Grant Research and development of memristors based on SiNxOy and SiGeOy for terabit-scale memory and neuromorphic devices of artificial intelligence

2022-2024 Russian Scientific Foundation Grant Development and research of memristors based on organic polymers with chalcogen-containing heterocyclic chain blocks and pendant groups for the next-generation flash memory and application in neuromorphic systems

2020-2022 Russion Foundation of Basic Research (RFBR), Physical principles of silicon nitride based multi-level memristors for neuromorphic applications and non-volatile memory new generation

2020-2022 Russion Foundation of Basic Research (RFBR), Join project Russia-Germany Increasing of ferroelectric materials reliability

2019-2021 Scientific Foundation Grant, Head Research and development of forming less memristor based on dielectrics treated in hydrogen plasma

2019-2021 Russion Foundation of Basic Research (RFBR), Head Study of conduction mechanisms and nature traps identification in low-k dielectrics of a new generation with an ordered mesoporous structure and organic bridges between silicon atoms

2019-2021 Russion Foundation of Basic Research (RFBR), BRICS project Head Electronic synapses based on two dimensional materials for neuromorphic computing

2018-2019 Join Taiwan-Russion Scientific Foundation Grant Research and development of multilevel memristor based on SiOx and SiNy for neuromorphic and terabit scale flash memory application

2018-2019 Join Russion Foundation of Basic Research (RFBR) Study of conduction mechanisms and nature traps identification in low-k dielectrics of a new generation with an ordered mesoporous structure and organic bridges between silicon atoms

2016-2018 Russian Scientific Foundation Grant “Physics of switching of multilevel ReRAM for neuromorphic applications”.

2014-2017 Head of Russian Scientific Foundation Grant “Research and development of universal memory”.

2010-2014 Head of grant with Chiao Tung University, Taiwan “Research and development of ReRAM flash memory”.

2006-2009 Head of contracts with Samsung Electronics, “Scientific Research and Development of TANOS FLASH structures for ultra-high density non-volatile memory”

2001-2005 Head of contracts with Samsung Electronics, “Design of Nanoscale Silicon-Oxide-Nitride-Oxide-Silicon Memory Transistor for Terabit Scale FLASH Memory”.

2006-2008 Russian Foundation of Fundamental Investigations: Atomic and Electronic Structure of High-k Dielectrics

1998-2000 INTAS project N 0347, Spin Exchage in Identical Fermion Systems: Amorphous Dielectrics and Solid 3He.

Professional experience:

-- Atomic and electronic structure of silicon oxides and nitrides of different

    compositions  (SiO2, Si3N4, SiNxOy, SiNx, SiOx).

-- Electronic structure of defects in SiO2 and Si3N4

-- Electronic structure and charge transport in high-k dielectric

-- Electronic structure and charge transport in low-k dielectric

                   -- Mechanisms of electron and hole injection in MIS structures.

                   -- Charge trapping and detrapping in insulators, determination of trap parameters.

                   -- Mono- and bipolar injection in MIS structures, recombination in insulator,

                       electron and  holes current separation.

                   -- Physics of  floating gate and SONOS/TANOS FLASH memory devices.

                    -- Physics of ReRAM, FeRAM

Current Interests:

1. Development of fast low voltage SONOS/TANOS FLASH devices based on high-k dielectrics

                       2. Charge transport mechanism and electronic structure of high-k dielectrics: experiment and simulation

                       3. Electronic structure of defects and traps in dielectrics                      

 4. Research and development od ReRAM, FeRAM and MRAM.


                       50 years of  experience with device design and different physical properties  

                       investigation of  MOS, especially EEPROM and FLASH devices and physical and 

                       technological problems in devices and dielectrics which gave the excellent

                       understanding of physical and technological problem in silicon MOS and

                       Flash devices.


Russian: mother tongue.

English:  written: medium, spoken: medium. 


The selected publications are attached.
(1) three single author monograph on physics of MIS structures.
(2) eighteen chapters in books.
(3) 269 papers published in refereed journals.
(4) 126 papers published in the conferences proceedings.
(5) 28 patents on EEPROM and FLASH memory devices.

Selected Publication


5. V.A. Gritsenko, D.R. Islamov, “Physics of Dielectric Films: Charge Transport Mechanism and Physics of Memory Devices”, Ed. Parallel, Novosibirsk, p. 352, in Russian 2017

4. V.A. Gritsenko, Silicon Nitride on Si: Electronic Structure for Flash Memory Devices, chapter in book Thin Films on Si: Electronic and Photonic Applications” p.273-322 ’’World Scientific Press”, 2016.

3. V.A. Gritsenko, I.E. Tyschenko, V.P. Popov, T.V. Perevalov, Dielectrics in Nanoelectronics, p. 258, Publisher: Siberian Branch of Russian Academy and Science, Novosibirsk, Russia, 2010.

2. Yakov Roizin, Vladimir Gritsenko, ONO Structures in Modern Microelectronics. Material Science, Characterization and Application, Chapter in book “Dielectric Films for Advanced Microelectronics”, Eds. by M. R. Baklanov, M. Greeen, K. Maex, Wiley&Sons, 2007.

1. V. A. Gritsenko, Electronic Structure and Optical Properties of    Silicon Nitride, In "Silicon Nitride in Electronics", p.138-187, 1988, Elsevier, New  York. 



Selected papers in refered journals:

21. Damir R. Islamov, Vladimir À. Gritsenko, Timofey V. Perevalov, Vladimir A. Pustovarov, Oleg M. Orlov, Anna G. Chernikova, Andrey M. Markeev, Gennadiy Ya. Krasnikov, Stefan Slesazeck, Uwe Schr?der, Thomas Mikolajick, Identification of the nature of traps involved in the field cycling of Hf0.5Zr0.5O2-based ferroelectric thin films, Acta Materialia, v.166, 47-55, 2019
20. Konstantin V. Egorov, Dmitry S. Kuzmichev, Andrey A. Sigarev, Denis I. Myakota, Sergey S. Zarubin, Timofey V. Perevalov, Vladimir A. Gritsenko, Cheol Seong, Hwang, and Andrey M. Markeev, Hydrogen Plasma Enhanced Atomic Layer Deposition of TaOx: Saturation Studies and Method for Oxygen Deficiency Control, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, v. 6, p. 9667-9674, 2018
19. Vladimir A. Gritsenko, Timofey V. Perevalov, Vladimir N. Kruchinin, Vladimir S. Aliev, Alina K. Gerasimova, Simon B. Erenburg, Svetlana V. Trubina, Kristina O. Kvashnina and Igor P. Prosvirin, Nanoscale Potential Fluctuations in Zirconium Oxide and the Flash Memory Based on Electron and Hole Localization, Advanced Electronic Materials, p. 1700592, 2018, DOI: 10.1002/aelm.201700592
18. Timofey T.V. Perevalov, Damir R. Islamov, Vladimir A Gritsenko and Igor P. Prosvirin, Electronic structure of stoichiometric and oxygen-deficient ferroelectric Hf0.5Zr0.5O2, Nanotechnology, v.29 p. 194001, 2018,
17. Timofey T.V. Perevalov, Damir R. Islamov, Vladimir A Gritsenko and Igor P. Prosvirin, Electronic structure of stoichiometric and oxygen-deficient ferroelectric Hf0.5Zr0.5O2, Nanotechnology 29 (2018) 264001 (9pp)
16. Vladimir A. Gritsenko, Timofey V. Perevalov, Damir R. Islamov, Electronic properties of hafnium oxide: A contribution from defects and traps, Physics Reports, 613, p.1-20, 2016
15. V.A. Gritsenko, N.V. Perevalov, O.M. Orlov, G. Ya. Krasnikov, Nature of Traps Responsible for the Memory Effect in Silicon Nitride, Applied Physics Letteres, v. 109, p. 06294, 2016
14. Vladimir Gritsenko; Damir Islamov, Timofey Perevalov, Vladimir Aliev, Alexander Yelisseyev, Elena Lomanova; Vladimir Pustovarov; Albert Chin, The Oxygen Vacancy in Hafnia as a Blue Luminescence Center and a Trap of Charge Carriers, J. Phys. Chem. C, 2016, 120 (36), pp 19980–19986
13. A.V. Shaposhnikov, T.V. Perevalov, V.A. Gritsenko, C.H. Cheng, A. Chin, Mechanism of GeO2 resistive switching based on the multi-phonon assisted tunneling between traps, Appl. Phys. Lett. v.100, p. 243506, 2012.
12. D.R. Islamov, V.A. Gritsenko, C.H. Cheng, A. Chin, Bipolar conductivity in amorphous HfO2, Appl. Phys. Lett. v.99, p. 072109, 2011.
11. T.V. Perevalov, O.E. Tereshenko, V.A. Gritsenko, V.A. Pustovarov, A.P. Yelisseyev, Chanjin Park, Jeong Hee Han, Choongman Lee, Oxygen Deficiency Defects in Amorphous Al2O3, J. Appl. Phys. v.108, p.013501, 2010.
10. S. S. Shaimeev, V. A. Gritsenko, Hei Wong, Wigner crystallization due to electrons localized at deep traps in two-dimensional amorphous dielectric, Applied Physics Letters, v. 96, p. 253510, 2010.
9. K.A. Nasyrov, S.S. Shaimeev, V.A. Gritsenko, J.H. Han, Phonon-coupled trap-assisted charge injection in metal-nitride-oxide-silicon/silicon-oxide-nitride-oxide-silicon structures, J. Appl. Phys. 105, 123709, 2009.
8. A.V. Vishnyakov, Yu.N. Novikov, V.A. Gritsenko, K.A. Nasyrov, The charge transport mechanism in silicon nitride: Multi-phonon trap ionization, Solid- State Electronics, V. 53, N. 3, p. 251-255, 2009.
7. Sorokin, A.A. Karpushin, V.A. Gritsenko, H. Wong “Electronic Structure of Amorphous Silicon Oxynitride Different Compositions”, Journal of Applied Physics, v. 105, 073706, 2009.
6. A.A. Rastorguev, T.P. Smirnova, M.V. Zamoryanskaya, V.A. Gritsenko, H. Wong, Luminescence of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Defects in Hahnium Oxide Films. Physical Review B V.76, p.1 (2007).
5. T.V. Perevalov, V.A. Gritsenko, S.B. Erenburg, A.M. Badalyan, H. Wong, C.W. Kim, Atomic and Electronic Structure of Amorphous and Crystalline Hafnium Oxide: X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy and Density Functional Calculations, J. Appl. Phys, V.101, 053704 (2007).
4. V. A. Gritsenko, K. A. Nasyrov, Yu. N. Novikov, A. L. Aseev, S. Y. Yoon, J.-W. Lee, E.-H. Lee, C. W. Kim, A new low voltage fast SONOS memory with high-k dielectric, Solid-State Electronics, 47, N. 10, p. 1651-1656, 2003.
3. K. A. Nasyrov, V. A. Gritsenko, M. K. Kim, H. S. Chae, S. D. Chae, W. I. Ryu, J. H. Sok, J. W. Lee, B. M. Kim, Charge Transport Mechanism in Metal-Nitride-Oxide-Silicon Structures, IEEE Electron Device Letters, V. 23, N. 6, p. 336-338, 2003.
2. V. A. Gritsenko, J. B. Xu, I. H. Wilson, R. M. Kwok, Y.H. Ng, Short Range Order and Nature of Defects and Traps in Amorphous Silicon Oxynitride, Phys. Rev. Lett, V. 81, N.5, 1054-1057, 1998.
1. V. A. Gritsenko, E. E. Meerson, Yu. N. Morokov, Thermally Assisted Tunneling at Au -Si3N4 Interface and Energy Band Diagram of Metal-Nitride-Oxide - Semiconductor Structures, Phys. Rev.B, V. 57, N.4, p. R2081-R2083, 1997.